Fucking Ridiculous

Slutty Teenagers

Let me start off by saying that each generation gets worse and worse for many different reasons. My generation was/is bad, but this next generation is fucking ridiculous! Twerking is nothing new at all! We just called it booty shaking; but it wasn’t the phenomenon that it is now. Now, these heffas are out here practicing their stripping techniques. There is nothing wrong with having these techniques, to save for your man, who would ideally be your husband. I do crew work for television and film, and we had to film at a teen club. Yes, as a teenager I went to parties and danced and got all dressed up…but most of these little girls now are just hoes, and most of these little boys now are confused about their gender. These girls’ parents actually let them walk out the house with literally, nothing on. Some people will try to take up for them and say that they changed in the car because they rode with a friend. Ummm no! I actually had to talk to these parents as they were dropping their children off in order to make sure that it would be okay to show them on TV. Some parents were even like, “Girl you better go in there and get seen,” in a weird stripperish way. These girls HAVE to spend all day booty shaking in the mirror in order to be doing it how they are doing it. These hoes in here dropping it to splits and shit like they got a cheerleading scholarship somewhere. I don’t even feel sorry for these girls, because you try to talk some sense into them, and all they care about is getting seen and getting these boys attention. Some of these girls need to realize there is more to life about that, and always will be. Now these guys…I honestly think need more help than these girls. What kills me is how these boys are so confused! These dudes run around here making fun of gay dudes, calling them “faggots”, but they run around acting like a gay boy…it’s like they admire the people they make fun of. So many “straight guys”, dress gay. Yes, dressing gay and just having style as a straight male are two totally different things. I don’t know what these celebrities and media is saying that is making people feel like the lines are blurred…uh no…the shit is in straight black and white. Then, these young guys are booty shaking it too! The fact that there was a Twerk Contest for the guys, and there were actually as many guys in the contest as were girls for their contest, was straight up and down, left to right, fucking ridiculous! Any male that “twerks” is feminine and needs to have their penis swapped with a vagina. I hate males that do female things anyway, unless they are gay. You’re walking around here saying you’re straight, but you’re popping it on a handstand, making your ass cheeks clap…you don’t learn that shit overnight. Ding, dong!…It was practiced. The vision of a straight guy actually practicing how to booty shake is just fucking disgusting. But the saddest part ever, is knowing that these kids are going to have kids…fucking doomed yo! Lol…Laughing at the situation because of the ridiculousness of it all…it’s freaking hopeless. And for those that try to tell/preach to people that it only takes one person to change it, are full of hope and need to get their balloon popped; because in actuality, it’s up to the child’s parents. The funny part is that it usually is the adults with no kids that think they’re going to change someone else’s child. Lmao! Now that right there…makes me laugh AT them…not WITH them! It’s all fucking ridiculous.

P.S. These kids’ parents where probably hoes and confused too…Eh.

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