The Age of the Texter

Our generation has become so distant that they talk by thumbs. The list of people that text messages me quadruply (yes I made that word up) outweighs the number of people that call me. I remember when it used to be the other way around, but that seemed to all stop around the 11th grade. What takes you 10 text messages and 30 minutes later can be said in 5 minutes on the phone. Talk about people wasting time. People say I’m anti-social because I don’t keep conversations going over Facebook messages and text messages. No I’m perfectly normal because I can talk, communicate with my mouth. Most of the time it’s just me listening because most of my friends somehow think that I’m their counselor, better yet therapist because I don’t get that many words in with them. But I can keep a conversation. But I will not keep a conversation with someone who won’t help me out and come up with some conversational ideas of their own while we are on the phone. I guess I could blame that on cell phones and thumbs. What would our generation do if their thumbs were cut off? They would be shit out of luck! And I mean every word of it. There’s nothing worse than trying to get to know someone and they have nothing to talk about. I should go back to what I used to do when I was in the 5th grade. When both parties ran out of things to talk about I would say “Okay I’m going to talk to you later because there is nothing else to talk about, bye!” Yeah, I think that sounds good.

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