The End of Summer ’09

21840728My Sis,Me,Raquel Raquel.Hung With These Guys All Summer 😀


Summer is now over.I’m back in school.Just wanted to re-cap my summer.I’ve had the best summer in a long time.Actually I believe this is the best summer I’ve ever had.I learned about about the industry and people that are in the industry.I would never want to be a singer or rapper.It is horrible,a bunch of fakeness, and I don’t believe that most people can handle it.I did a lot of clubbing.It’s weird how I don’t club during the school year but during the summer…lol yeah.It was fun coming home from college.People miss you more then…lol…that means they are nicer than before.hahahaha.The best thing out of this summer was taking classes online so now I’ve finished a whole year of college in spring/summer.(I graduated high school early in Jan. so I started in the spring).I got to do a lot of things I didn’t think that happens in Dallas;but I believe I’ve met almost everyone in the Dallas industry so it’s time for me to move on to a different city for next summer.But yeah…sophomore year.And in the words of my producer friend Zacquet, “It Goes Down!” 😉

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