Bauer Women Society

I joined a new organization this semester called Bauer Women Society. The business college is called C.T. Bauer Business College so it’s to help advance and bring together business women. So far the organization has been going good. They go to the Women’s Conference every year at Harvard; I plan on attending next year since I got the information on such a short notice. We had a great bake sale today. We had everything from waffles to egg rolls; the most diverse bake sale I’ve been to and the egg rolls we great by the way (they were made by a chef so of course). We do community events to social events, fundraisers and of course we have our general meetings. I like it ☺


P.S. Don’t mind the mirror spots in the picture, maybe should have used Windex first. Lol. Yes that is a beret…I got it in Paris and I love it. European style is so awesome.

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