
What is inspiration? What is it to be inspired? Honestly, I don’t know. I know the dictionary definition of these terms but have never experienced them in real life. Another year is about to close so another year of reflection has to happen. I can say that none of my friends or relationship partners has ever inspired me. Who wants to be around people like that all the time? I’m not putting them down because they probably inspire other people; just not me. I hear people tell me how they’re proud of me and how they want to get “on my level”. But I sit there and look at them like “I haven’t done anything…yet”, at least that’s how I feel. I want to have a friend and ask them questions like “What would be the best way to end this business proposal?” or “What’s the best restaurant to eat at in Dubai?” I don’t want to get answers to questions like “What club is ‘poppin’ this weekend?” or “What new types of diapers have come out?” I’m just in a different place in my life and I need a different group of people to spend my time with, if I was to spend time with anyone at all. Having inspiration makes me want to do more and be more, because it’s like healthy competition. And when I say inspiration, I’m not meaning it as monetary thing. You can have a million in the bank but be a drug dealer, that’s not inspiration. You can be an entrepreneur but ‘bumming’ off other people because none of your ideas ever reach the production line, that’s not inspiration. Maybe one day I’ll run into someone who inspires me.

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