Sororities and Fraternities—The Greeks From America.HA!

Don’t They Look So Lovely All Smiling In Pink With This Unknown Sorority

So I Guess He’s Going To Put On A Show For Us Huh?
So I See It’s Rush Week…Won’t Catch Me Getting Hazed And Paying Those Damn Fees
They are LAME! I look around and see people in these certain colors with these Greeks letters. I feel as if they are groups just so people can feel like they belong. But going to a diverse school such as U of H, you see all these “non-traditional” type organizations. I’ve seen so many academic ones. Then I don’t believe in getting hazed for anything! That’s pure B.S.! I start to contemplate…am I suppose to feel less of a person because when Greeks have special events, I’m walking around in a shirt with no letters and just some random color, and I’m not in a pack looking important and what not. Hahaha No! I could give a damn about some letters which I’m not even using in my own language, I wear whatever color I feel, and I don’t care about looking important because I don’t really want the attention. Most of the time, the most important person in the room won’t even be recognized until they open their mouth because they already know, they don’t need to look important because they are important. Looking the part doesn’t mean that you are the part. Anyways, they say this stuff looks good on a resume and blah blah blah. I feel if you’re qualified enough then you’ll get the job. They say it’s good for networking. I truly and honestly doubt that many people in these organizations are into music and marketing for a record company like I am. Yeah I can see marketing…but not for record company type marketing; maybe corporation type marketing. Then there’s the helping the community part when everyone isn’t even from the community that the school is located in. I’ve seen more outside people do stuff for the community than these organizations. So then they throw these parties and basically perform with their stepping and what not, some just perform with their smartness. I can throw my own parties and if I want to perform I’ll sign up for a talent show or something. Not feeling the whole Sorority/Fraternity thing.

P.S. And F paying a fee! I have business to invest in…not some group that makes me only as good as the letters across my chest on my shirt! 😉

P.P.S. And I must have the “please don’t even try to recuit me” look on my face already because they tend to look at me like “idk if I should talk to her, because she so might blow me away” look on they face. Hahaha. Right on!

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