Fake A$$ Ballers;But Kind of Clever…Still Lame & Full of Fakeness
I’ve just came across some new information about “Ballers” or should I saw “Fake Ballers”. These things happen on a daily basis but especially in major cities. What these people do is go to the club an order MAJOR drinks (not naming any names here).They have a good time during enjoying their “night-life” activities with their friends. The next day they call the credit card companies and ask them to put a hold on their card. They let this hold stay on for some days until they know the items have been ran through to the card (1-3 business days is the norm).They then take the hold off but by then, the items can’t be traced to any particular card but its gotten rejected because the card had a hold on it. So basically their night of fun was for free. FAKE A$$ BALLERS’!!!!!