The first time Dom Kennedy did his Texas tour I didn’t get to go; he was in Dallas while I was in Houston and in Houston while I was in Dallas. When he came back again I said
I haven’t attended any concerts in a while so I figured it was time to change that, since I am such a big fan of music. I found out that SBTRKT was coming back to North America and
The company you keep, aka your entourage, is very important. People tend to think that the saying “birds of a feather flock together”. That necessarily isn’t always true; at times it could only be a perception. People, who
No country is perfect and no country is spared from my opinions that I enforce upon it. I love England like crazy, doesn’t mean it’s perfect. I was born and raised in the United States of America; I
Everyone always wants to know your next move like this is a game of chess. Umm, I just want to play checkers with the computer robot…alone, simple, and only I know my moves while others try to predict
People get dumber and dumber every day. The stupidity of people amazes me…amuses me. It is my entertainment that enthralls me with laughter. When you can look at all sides of the picture and even take into considerations
I came across the book, Go the F**k to Sleep. I'm not going to spend this post debating if I'm for it or against. But I found a hilarious audio of the book. If you do decide to watch
Whitney Houston was a part of the last of a dying musical breed. Her voice was one that was recognizable and unmatched. I may be a young one but I do know who Ms. Houston is. I remember
If you write songs and you don't know who Alanis Morissette is then you need to do some research. ♫Hands Clean♫ is another one of those songs that I wish I would have written. I tend to wonder