There Are Only 5 Types of People

There Are Only 5 Types of People

Everyone always wants to know your next move like this is a game of chess. Umm, I just want to play checkers with the computer robot…alone, simple, and only I know my moves while others try to predict them. It’s only five types of people in the world: The Encourager, The Doubter, The Moocher, The Builder, and The Sniper.

The Encourager

He will constantly ask you what are you doing and what your next moves will be. He genuinely just wants to give encouragement. He doesn’t want to help or hinder your moves in anyway, he just wants you to go for it; keep building and seeking out your goals.

The Doubter

He will continuously ask you what you’re getting into and what you have planned for the future. He genuinely just wants to laugh at you. All he wants to do is go back and tell other doubters so they can laugh in a pack. They think your ventures are outlandish and a waste of time and money. But beware, they will smile and nod in your face while you are disposing of this information.

The Moocher

He will faithfully want to know what you’re up to so he can step in and get a piece of the pie. The funny part about this guy is that he necessarily doesn’t even want to work for anything, he just wants rewards. The closer your plans get to coming together, the more he’ll come around; just keep a watchful eye out.

The Builder

He is the one you want to ally yourself with. He will not only encourage, but will hustle, bustle, and grind all the way to the top with you. He believes in you, will encourage you, will push you, and will help finance your plans: emotionally, financially, and mentally. But be careful not to mistake him for one of the other of the five types. He may not be around from the beginning; he may come in the middle or even at the end when things are starting to come together, just be observant enough to know when he is there; be thankful, appreciative, and protective of this person.

The Sniper
You have to be intellectually above others to catch this guy. He will look just like a Builder. The only difference is when you’re at your weakest, or when you turn your back giving him a blind eye, he will take you for everything. He will crush you without mercy, and may even be sly enough to make you feel as if he hasn’t taken you for anything, better yet everything. You won’t realize it until it’s too late or until he’s gone. He is always playing chess, even when you believed it was still a game of checkers.
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