Music and Songwriting: Let’s Get On With Life Already

Spring 2011 became the busiest semester of my life. I got my record label internship and got a part-time job on campus. I started dating. I was prevalent in my organizations and made every meeting. I still took 18 hrs. and snuck songwriting in there somewhere. I spent time getting prepared for Ghana paperwork wise […]

Ultimately What Do You Want To Do?

After college I had every intention to get a job in an office and work; you know the way most parents want to see their child. That didn’t quite happen for me. Growing up I always said I wanted to work in Movies, Music and Fashion. Marketing was something I picked up since my dad […]

Music and Songwriting: My Apologies, Can You Forgive Me?

It’s still Fall 2010 and Maria Mena’s ♫Cause and Effect♫ and Amy Winehouse’s ♫Frank♫ CD began to slowly mirror my life depending upon the day I had with him, my then boyfriend and now fiancé. I ended up calling the engagement off about a month later. No, just because I was 19 and he was […]

Music and Songwriting: Almost Losing Songwriting Forever

I came back to Dallas and spent the rest of the summer either at school knocking out some of my Journalism minor credits, or with my boyfriend, the guy who I had once fallen in love with and was dating again. He had consumed my life in a major way. Even when I was spending […]