I was writing a PR draft and listening to music. For some reason I wanted to listen to J. Holiday. “Suffocate” came on and I started singing my little heart out. The lyrics go something like this:
I can't
It is just not enough hours in the day to work out to keep the body that I want. How do I know or am I just being a lazy bum? Oh, I know. After countless number of
Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again. ― Eleanor Roosevelt. If you knew me, you’d know that I’m a homebody. My bedtime is 11pm; my eyelids just seem to give up
Haha, money…don’t you love how people differ when it comes to money. I informed Crown Jones that it takes money…like hella money to promote an album and that we haven’t even nearly hit the cusp! I remember that
My producer friend on Facebook wrote a status that got me thinking. I never even thought about it like that. It wrote:
To like someone means you enjoy their company or who they are. To want someone means you
I’m not rich by any means. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon. I’ve never really struggled either because I learned from my dad how to budget, and when that money is about to run out…how to make
Soooo, why didn’t anyone tell me that making the album was the easiest part of the ENTIRE process?! So I started by researching blogs and building an excel sheet which included blog sites, contact info, genre, etc. Once
Hurt hurts right? But which one hurts more; letting someone go because you don’t want to hurt them…or getting let go because the person doesn’t want to hurt you? The crazy part about all of this is that
Fly outs are so real huh? You really like him/her huh? But can you afford it…huh? Money. Does money matter? To an extent, yes. Money isn’t everything but you surely can be screwed without it. I’ve traveled around