You Have To Make Me Laugh

When you look at a mate that you can see yourself with for awhile, you tend to look for the cliché things such as: faithful, trustworthy, respectful, caring, etc. But I found one thing that I need to add in the mix and make it loud and clear; bold it and italicize it. My mate has to make me laugh, not just smile, but laugh. I am a very goofy person and I love to laugh. Not those jokes that make you chuckle or giggle, those don’t do the trick. Sometimes if I’m with a guy I’ll fake laugh at his jokes to make him feel good about himself but it’s only so much fake laughing I’m willing to act for and only so many bad jokes I can take. I can’t do the jokes where the guy is laughing because he thinks it’s hilarious but you standing there looking like “Ohhh…if that’s your type of humor, then I don’t know.” Guys who have dry humor kill me. It’s like they try to make sarcasm funny, but not that many people can pull that off. It shouldn’t be something you have to try hard doing. I think something can only be funny if you both know similar situations or can picture them. If you don’t see the purpose behind the joke or it took too long to set up the joke, then what’s the point? I know that I can go around saying ‘head azz’ jokes to certain people and they’ll laugh, and certain people won’t. You have to know your audience. If you can’t adapt to your audience, in this case me, then you really don’t know me or aren’t trying to learn me very well. That tends to show me that we won’t last long. So yes, it’s true; a guy that can make a girl laugh is a great quality to have. It will indeed win you points. 😉

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